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Peter Singer, Princeton University

Ingmar Persson, Oxford University

John Harris, University of Manchester

Nicholas Agar, University of Wellington

Arthur Leonard Caplan, New York University Langone Medical Center

Erik Parens, The Hastings Center, Garrison, NY

Anders Sandberg, Oxford University

Don Marquis, University of Kansas

Thomas Douglas, Oxford University

Robert Sparrow, Monash University

James Hughes, Trinity College, Hartford-Connecticut

Glenn McGee, University of New Heaven

Stefan Sorgner, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg

Thomasine KushnerCalifornia Pacific Medical Center

Katrien Devolder, Ghent University

Ayesha Ahmad, University College London Medical School

Bert Gordijn,  Dublin City University, Ireland

Dónal O'Mathúna, Dublin City University, Ireland

Maartje Schermer, Erasmus University, Roterdam

Silvia Salardi, University ‘degli Studi dell’Insubria’ of Como  and University of Milano-Bicocca